Our publications / Express


Express is the largest Ukrainian-speaking newspaper in the country. Already two decades in a row Express appears to be an inevitable and authoritative source of reliable information for more than 2 million of readers a great part of whom covers successful influential well-educated and well-off figures. The Express newspaper was established in 1992. It's editorial board resides in Lviv, Ukraine. The publication frequency equals 500 000 copies making Express the most widely circulated newspaper in Ukraine. Its editorial staff is comprised of more than 260 employees.

Online subscription is available at egazeta24.com.You may subscribe and read the newspaper online.

A target reader of Express is a well-rounded person. The newspaper is characterized by a high quality of journalism, resonant journalistic investigations, an ability to objectively showcase social drawbacks, and uncompromising attitude to politicians and authoritative figures.

Over the years, the newspaper has repeatedly experienced direct and covert attacks from the authorities side. At such times, Express journalists carried out numerous public protests to defend their right to work and to freedom of expression.

According to TNS-Ukraine, Express has an extremely loyal readership, occupying the leading place in the corresponding rating list.

Express has been repeatedly awarded as the Newspaper of the Year in a variety of professional competitions.

Publication frequency: 2x per week.

Subscription index:

33938 Express (incl. TV-program)

89125 2x Express issue ( with Monday adds-on Health and Sport and Thursday TV-program)

37944 Express (incl. TV-program) + Good Doctor

89122 Express (incl. TV-program) + Householder's Advisor

68091 Express (incl. TV-program) + Good Doctor + Householder's Advisor

86408 Express (incl. TV-program) + My Confession. Believer's Newspaper

68973 Express (incl. TV-program) + Housewife's Recipes. Secrets of Delicious Cooking

68972 Express (incl. TV-program) + History Plus

86407 Express (incl. TV-program) + Little Hare

86409 Express (incl. TV-program) + Rural Truth Plus

86411 Express (incl. TV-program) + Lilac. Ukrainian's Library. Golden Collection

egazeta24.com – Online Express

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